Sunday, October 11, 2009

Harajuku adventure

Sunday means more weekend exploring time. So a group of us headed back to Harajuku (at the request of the ladies). When we got there some of us guys grabbed a quick meal and I got a glass pepsi bottle....

Never seen one of these in my life!

To my delight we found some more awesome signs. One of the funniest parts of being in another country is reading signs that have english text on them. Apparently in Harajuku "smorking" and "tout" are not acceptable activities.

No smorking, no tout.

We did a little bit of people watching from a balcony on a two story building while the girls giggled and did whatever girls do when surrounded by clothes. This girl was wearing a hat which displayed the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch...

Yes, the holy hand grenade.

Some crazy fashion.

As we headed back to the station it started to get busy (yeah it apparently wasn't busy before...). We picked a good time to leave I guess.

We then set off for the Tokyo Pokemon Center. At the time I had never really played Pokemon, so Candiece and I stopped at a cafe nearby instead.

Yummy soup.

Also I learned that in modern Tokyo, samurai fight fires! It's true!

When our Pokemon-catching comrades were done in the Pokemon Center, we headed to our third destination: Tokyo Tower. We had quite a few stops along the way including a little open-air market and a really pretty park.

Grilled Shellfish of some kind at the market.

Big Gatehouse.

The market basically went right up to the shrine at the base of Tokyo Tower.

The Tower itself.

Stairs in the park that stood between us and the tower.

Whats going on behind that sign?

That was the end of our trip, so we headed back to Atsugi. When we got back we were treated to a fashion show. Seems the girls bought some outfits in Harajuku!


The whole posse.

Candiece again.

After the fashion show was done, I headed back to my apartment and crashed.

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